Iconic Restaurants of Butler County Ohio

Rock Stars who appreciated the smells and tastes of the award winning Chester’s Pizza. Celebrities and sports greats who couldn’t visit Hamilton without stopping for homemade manicotti at Isgros. Hamburger lovers who still visit The Jug after 80 years, without learning the recipe for the secret sauce, and political greats setting policy  at Middletown’s Manchester Inn  for much of the twentieth century. It’s all part of the amazing restaurant history that sets Butler County apart from communities across the region, a history that includes these and many iconic restaurants that remain a household name. 

In my own family, Sunday nights in the late 1970’s meant dining on a 16” large cheese pizza from Milillos, offering us the chance to catch up on the week while laughing and enjoying each bite of the delicious fresh crust, homemade Italian sauce and the gooey cheese that seemed to stretch out for miles. Likewise, I still remember my first job as a carhop at Jolly’s on Brookwood.  The uniform skirts were short, the root beer was cold, and my friends and I spent many unsuccessful hours trying to recreate the already perfect blend of chili, mustard, onion, and cheese. Of course, no self-professed foodie can finish a great meal without indulging in a great dessert, and for those in my world, the first sign of spring meant (and still means) that it’s time to head to Flub’s for a cone of their wonderful orange sherbet, or other soft serve delights. 

With all of these memories, a book paying tribute to the “Iconic Restaurants of Butler County Ohio” was in order, and as such, it is now available so everyone can remember their own experiences in the many restaurants that put our region on the culinary map. Though there are too many of these restaurants to feature in just one book, the big ones are there, and their stories are there, reminding all of us of the hard work these dedicated families have endured, and the love they have shown each of us through their food.  If you would like to take your own food journey down memory lane you can order my book, “Iconic Restaurants of Butler County Ohio” (along with my 2016 book, “The Milders Inn of Fairfield, Ohio: Gangsters, Baseball, and Fried Chicken”) at:

www.arcadiapublishing.com/ Keyword: Teri Horsley 

www.amazon.com/ Keyword: Teri Horsley

You can also order through me at: (513) 284-4575